Monday, December 1, 2008
End of the Season
See you next year!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday ride
Took a nice ride on, what might be, the last nice riding day of the year. But instead of disapearing, I decided to ride. I just went about 60 miles around the neighboring towns, through the back roads, as I usually ride. I like low or no traffic, minimal stop signs, some curves and some quick straights. The roads I discover, just meandering around the area, turn out to be interesting and fun. As the gasoline prices of late have curbed my tendencies to explore, the F650 makes this possible. I don't mind spending ten to twelve dollars, American, to ride for a little more than two hundred miles. And, those are execptionally fun miles! I hoping for another nice day!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Ride in Conn.

Went for a nice ride, perhaps the last of the year, with Mike and his Moto Guzzi, out through Rhode Island and into western Connecticut. We stopped at the Green Onion Pizza for lunch and continued north on RT. 169. We stopped at a nice little boat launch for a smoke break. We stopped at a resturant called the Vanilla Bean. There were many bikes there, but only four BMWs. There were two old R90s and an new 1150 and, of course, the F650, again the only of it's kind at a bike gathering. Most of the bikes were newer Harleys and there was a Can-Am three wheeler.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
September 7, 2008
Last night, hurricane Hannah came through. My wife was up late and said that it rained hard. I slept through it. This morning, I went out for an early morning ride to check out the high waters. The first place I found was where the Blackstone River was bridged by Route 122. I stopped at a restaurant that went out of business, called The Riverside and observed high water flowing under the 122 bridge. I rode around finding many roads littered with debris from trees. Some roads were rather treacherous and extra caution was needed just to keep the wheel from slipping out from under me! One place was covered with wet old pine needles, that had puddled in the storm, which was extremely slippery. I had a little difficulty traversing it; perhaps if my tires were a little more aggressive, perhaps if I were traveling at a higher rate of speed, there might not have been an issue, but my tires are what they are and the road did not allow for a higher speed, so a quick stomp on the ground kept my bike from getting it's first scratches. I will chalk this up to inexperience and learn from my mistake. I should have had no problems, but I suppose that comes with the miles on the bike. Otherwise, the F650 performed great! I was a little hesitant, at first, when coming upon the sticks and small logs that were knocked down from the wind, but after unavoidably hitting some stuff, I found the bike to take the rough stuff well.
Friday, August 29, 2008
August 29, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
August, 2008
The end of the month is almost here and I've caught up with this blog. August started with a trip to the Cape. It was around 190 miles, round trip. I had a meeting to go to and it was a great day for riding; almost no wind and my travel time found very little traffic.
The following three days (Aug 16,17,18) are the first bad experience I've had with the bike:
August 16. Went for a ride to Bass Pro Shops in Foxboro. Riding down the highway at about 80 when the engine started cutting out. I pulled over to the slow lane as the engine lost power. I pulled off onto an exit and the bike died. It took a while, but, I got the bike running again.I tried the starter several times and it sounded like it wanted to start but
couldn't. After repeating the startup procedure several time I decided that I
wouldn't waste the battery and proceded to push the bike about 100 yards. I
attempted to start it several more times and when I let it coast down a hill and
let the clutch out in third gear it started, running rough. I started going home and the bike started running fine so I continued on my quest for more fishing equipment. When I went to leave, the bike started fine and got me home.
August 17, 10874 miles. Went to a Yankee Beemers meeting in Westminster. It was a nice ride on a Sunday morning. About a quarter mile from my house, the bike died. It was hard to start and when I got it going again, I rode it around the neighborhood until I felt it was good to go to Westminster (about 80 miles). The ride continue without problems, there and back.
August 18 On the commute to work, the bike died about 7 miles from the house. I had put some fuel injector cleaner in, but it hadn't gone through the system yet. After getting it going again, I went to work, even stopping for a break, without trouble. On the ride home, before I left work, it wouldn't start. After getting it going, it ran fine.
August 19. Commute to work was fine, rode it to Gary's house and he suggested an electrical issue. I still think that it's a fuel issue because after the
fuel injector cleaner, the bike ran fine. A couple of tankfulls later and it
still runs
August 26. Met up with another F650 rider. He had a blue bike. I saw one like that at the Yankee Beemers meeting.
June, July 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Tools for maintenance
- Metric socket set (six point) including:
- a pair of 22mm sockets
- 26mm socket (or 1-1/16")
- 30mm socket
- Metric Wrench set including:
- 8 and a REAL 10 mm combination wrenches
- 13mm box end wrench
- 17 and 19mm combination wrenches
- 30mm combination wrench
- Metric Allen wrenches including:
3-4mm Allen key
ball-end 5mm Allen key - 6, 8 and 10 mm Allen sockets
- Torx T25
Torx T30
Torx T40
Torx T45 - "T"-handle / ball end allen tools (about 10" long w/ red handle) in #3, #4, #5, and #6
#10 and #13 wrenchs with ratchet built in on one end. - Countersprocket puller, BMWNo.88886 00 8 400 = $52.25 available in US.
- Oil drain guide, BMW No. 9088611 7 511 = $61.50 available in US.
- Hose pliers, , BMW No. 9088617 5 500 = $115 available in US.
- Valve-clearance adjuster, BMWNo.9088611 7 501 = $235 available in US.
- Thruster, BMWNo.9088611 7 503 = no longer available.
- Shaft, BMW No. 9088611 7 502 = no longer available.
- Clamp block, BMW No. 9088611 7 504. = no longer available.
- Magnetic holder, BMW No. 9088611 7 505 = $44 not in stock, Germany may have it.
- Hose clips, BMW No. 9088613 3 010. = $10.40 available in US.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
May 2008
May 24. Got the odometer up to 7116. Went to visit Mike, got it up to 60 mph down Rt. 122 in Uxbridge. It was windy and sometimes raining returned through Mendon and Upton.
Took a ride to International Motorsports in Auburn. Came back by Rts. 20E to 122S; some was a little faster ride 45-50mph, some was back roads.
Took a ride to Maynard. Went through Hopkinton to Rt 85 then picked up Rt 62 then 117 to BikeWorx. Bought a tank bag. Returned the same way.
May 25. Rode to Singletary rod and gun club for the British Iron club
bike show. I had the only BMW never mind the only F650. Saw a lot of great old and new bikes, one was even set up like it was in the war.
May 27. took bike to work. went by 135E, then 16 to 9E into Newton. A little chilly; need pants.
May 30. Took the bike to work. Took 16E almost all the way in. Was a nice ride, not too much traffic.
The beginning
My new bike
I have several reasons for choosing this particular model. First, my style of riding is on/off road, some highway but mostly low traffic back roads. This bike is great for that. Second, I wanted something that will get me the longest distance for the least amount of fuel. The F650 has the reputation of getting between 60 and 70 mpg. My bike, after almost 4300 miles, it averages 68.06 mpg.
To sum it all up, I got a machine that is great on gas, fits my riding style and is good for my back (great extra perk!) and it was just in my budget.
I will make an attempt to make this a true web log. This will serve to document my experiences with my F650. Stay tuned here for more of my adventures with my new toy!